Friday, December 12, 2008

Connecting to OS X from Linux

I'm done school for the semester, so hopefully that means I'll have some more time to work on programming and the like. Yesterday I was trying to get my Ubuntu laptop to connect to my Mac OS X desktop. Accessing a networked OS X computer as a windows share is pretty easy under Ubuntu. But you can only see a few files. When networking OS X to OS X you can access pretty much the whole computer. I found a package called afpfs-ng that allows you to do essentially the same thing from Ubuntu. Unfortunately this program requires you to use the command line to connect. Once I figured it out I started making my own GUI interface for afpfs-ng. I used python and am just about finished. Here's the source code so far:


import Tkinter
import subprocess
import os.path

# Define input retrieve function for application input
def retrieve_text():
global volume
global mounted
if mounted is 0:
afp_ip = afp_host.get()
username = user_name.get()
volume = volume_in.get()
password = pass_word.get()
if os.path.exists('\"/tmp/'+volume+"\"") != 1:
output_string = "mkdir \"/tmp/" + volume + "\""
retcode = subprocess.Popen(output_string, shell=True)
output_string = "mount_afp \"afp://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + afp_ip + "/" + volume + "\" \"/tmp/" + volume + "\"\n nautilus \"/tmp/" + volume + "\""
retcode = subprocess.Popen(output_string, shell=True)
mounted = 1

def unmount():
global mounted
if mounted is 1:
retcode = subprocess.Popen("afp_client unmount \"/tmp/" + volume + "\"", shell=True)
mounted = 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

volume = 0
mounted = 0

# Create Window Object or Window Form
app_win = Tkinter.Tk()

# Create label object
labeltitle = Tkinter.Label(app_win,text="Connect to AFP Server\n")

# Create label object
label1 = Tkinter.Label(app_win,text="Host IP")

# Create User Input Object
afp_host = Tkinter.Entry(app_win)

# Create label object
label2 = Tkinter.Label(app_win,text="Username")

# Create User Input Object
user_name = Tkinter.Entry(app_win)

# Create label object
label2a = Tkinter.Label(app_win,text="Password")

# Create User Input Object
pass_word = Tkinter.Entry(app_win)

# Create label object
label3 = Tkinter.Label(app_win,text="Volume")

# Create User Input Object
volume_in = Tkinter.Entry(app_win)

# Create Button Object
app_button = Tkinter.Button(app_win,text="Connect",command=retrieve_text)

# Create Button Object
unmount_button = Tkinter.Button(app_win,text="Unmount",command=unmount)

# Initialize Graphical Loop

If you copy that into an empty text document, save it as "", open a terminal, type "python " and then drag the "" file into the terminal, you can run it. Of course, you'll have to download afpfs-ng first. Your command line should look something like this:
dustin@dustin:~$ python '/home/dustin/'

I'm still working on adding some more features and packaging this in an easier to use manner.

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